W księgozbiorze uczelni znajdują sie także pozycje w języku angielskim zakupione w oparciu o potrzeby dydaktyczne poszczególnych instytutów i zakładów.
A history of Zionism / Walter Laqueur.- New York : Walter Laqueur, 1976.
Afro-Cuban : Coordination For Drumset / Maria Martinez.- Hal Leonard Corporation.
An Illustrated History of the USA, Bryn Ocallaghan
Anatomy : A complete guide for artists / Joseph Sheppard.- New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1992.
Anatomy lessons from the great masters : 100 great figure drawings analyzed / Robert Beverly Hale, Terence Coyle.- Wyd. 2.- New York : Watson - Guptill Publications, 2000.
Apollo 13, Penguin Readers
Aronson E., Wilson T. D. , Akert M. R. : Social Psychology : Sixth edition, 2007
Art and Society in the Middle Ages / Georges Duby.- Cambridge : Polity Press, 2000.
As Time Goes By, Miachael Walsh
Barbarians at the Gate, Bryan Burrough, John Helyar
Barone Michael, The Almanac of American Politics 1998
Barreto H.: Introductory Econometrics, 2013
Between Inner Space and Outer Space : Essays on Science, Art, and Philosophy / John D. Barrow.- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999.
Big City : Student's Book, Level 1 / Tom Hutchinson, Nina O'Driscoll- Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001
Bill Gates, The Road Ahead
Blood Ties, Nigel Hinton
Bowker R. R., American Art Directory 1995-96 55 th edition
Bowker R.R. LMP Literary Market Place1997
Brat Farrar, Josephine Tey
Brazil 500 Years Voyage to Terra Papagalis
Brogan Hugh, The Penguin History of the USA
Buisness @ the Speed of Thought
Burtonshaw-Gunn, Simon A.: Essential Tools for Operations Management, 2010
Cambridge Dictionary of American English
Captain Corellis Mandolin, Louis De Bernieres
Charon R. : The Lean Management Systems Handbook, 2015
Chemical Secret, Tim Vicary
Classic blues for piano- London : Wise Publications, 2004
Cowie AP, Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal verbs
Cranford, Elizabeth Gaskell
Cry, the Beloved Country, Alan Paton
Dantes Peak, Dewey Gram
David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
Deadlock, Sara Paretsky
Death In The Freezer, Tim Vicary
Death of an Englishman, Magdalen Nabb
Dictionary of American English
Dont Look Now, Daphne du Maurier
Drawing with an open mind : Reflections from a Drawing Teacher / Ted Seth Jacobs.- New York : Watson - Guptill Publications, 1986.
Ear-Rings From Frankfurt, Reg Wright
Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton
Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
Fiedler Eckhard, America in close -up
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Gentlemen Prefer Blodes, Anita Loos
Georgia O'Keeffe / Lisa Mintz Messinger.- London : Thames & Hudson, 2001.
Go, Lovely Rose and other stories, H. E. Bates
Goodbyye Mr Hollywood, John Escoot
Grace Darling, Tim Vicary
Grzebieniowski Tadeusz, Langenscheidt Słownik kieszonkowy angielsko-polski
Gullivers Travels, Jonathan Swift
Hovey Kendra A. State Fact Finder Ranking Across America 1998
Hovey Kendra A. State Fact Finder Ranking Across America 2000
Hoyle D.: Quality Management Essentials, 2007
I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
Impressionism / Belinda Thomson, Michael Howard.- London : Bison Group, 1991.
Inside Bruegel : The play of images in children's games / Edward Snow.- New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997.
Jamaica Inn, Daphne Du Maurier
Jazz collection : Easy-to-play authentic jazz arrangements for solo piano / Peter Evans- London : Wise Publications, 1998
Jennifer Lopes, Rod Smith
Johnston R.: Cases in Operations Management , 2003
Justice, Tim Vicary
Karen and the Artist, Elizabeth Laird
Kerzner H.: Project Management, 2013
Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson
Kings Ransom, Ed McBain
Kotler P.: Kotler on Marketing,. 1999
Krugman P.: Macroeconomics, 2006
Krugman P.: Microeconomics, 2015
Language to go : Elementary. Students book / Simon le Maistre, Carina Lewis; (Series Editor) Simon Grenall.- England : Longman, 2002.
Le prime e seconde lezioni di chitarra / Julio S. Sagreras, Jore Martinez Zarate- Roma : BMG Ricordi S. p. A. -via Mascagani, 1995
Leonardo DiCaprio, Brent Furnas
Lichens of North America / Irwin M. Brodo, Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, Stephen Sharnoff ; with selected drawings by Susan Laurie-Bourque and published in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Nature.- New Haven : Yale University Press, c2001.
Life in Modern America, Peter Bromhead
Lorna Done, R. D. Blackmore
Love or money? Rowena Akinyemi
MaCarthy A.: 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, 2015
Marketing, Courtland L. Bove, John V. Thill
Misery, Stephen King
New York, John Escott
New York, Jerzy Harbdas
Old man Goya / Julia Blackburn.- New York : Pantheon Books, 2002.
Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens
Past Into Present An Anthology of British and American Literature, Roger Gower
Pedace R.: Econometrics for Dummies, 2013
Perkins Jennifer C., 2000 Fax USA A Directory of Facsimile Numbers for Businesses and Organizations and Nationwide
Phillips Janet, Oxford Wordpawer
Pocahontas, Retold by Tim Vicary
Primary Colors
Public Interest Profiles 1998-1999
Remember Miranda, Rowena Akinyemi
Ribinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe
Rodin : Sculpture & Drawings / Catherine Lampert.- London : Arts Council, 1986.
Rodin's Art : The Rodin Collection of the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University / Albert Edward Elsen, Rosalyn Frankel Jamison.- New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
Rogue Trader, nick Leeson
Rosenberg Jerry M., Dictionary of Marketing and Advertising
Sherlock Holmes short stories , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Statistical Abstract of the United States. The National Data Book
Streets of London, Cherry Gilchrist
Surfer, Paul Harvey
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
The Barcelona Game, Stephen Rabley
The Bride Price, Buchi Emecheta
The Canterville Ghost And The Model Millionaire
The Cay, Theodore Taylor
The Chamber John Grisham
The coldest place on the earth, Tim Vicary
The Crown of Violet, Geoffrey Trease
The Dead of Jericho, Colin Dexter
The Death of Karen Silkwood, Joyce Hannam
The Dolls House And Other Stories, Katherine Mansfield
The Dream And Other Stories
The Eagle Of The Ninth, Rosemary Suctliff
The Edge, Dick Francis
The Foundation Directory Part 2, 2001 Edition
The Foundation Directory, 2001 Edition
The Garden Party and other stories, Katherine Mansfield
The Go-Between, L.P. Hartley
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Henry Fielding
The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Last Of the Mohicans, James Fenimore Cooper
The Long Goodbye
The love of a King, Petter Dainty
The Missing Coins, John Escott
The Moneymaker, Janet Glesson
The Mystery of Allegra, Peter Foreman
The Pantom of the Opera, Jennifer Bassett
The Pearl, John Steinbeck
The Pelican Brief, John Grisham
The Piano, Rosemary Border
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
The President's Murderer
The Prisoner of Zenda, Anthony Hope
The Railway Children, Edith Nesbit
The Roots of Romanticism / Isaiah Berlin.- New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1999.
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Shape of a Pocket / John Berger.- New York : Pantheon Books, 2001.
The Unquiet Grave, M. R. James
The Witches of Pendle, Rowena Akinyemi
The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
The Work of Art : Immanence and Transcendence / Gerard Genette.- Ithaca, London : Cornell University Press, 1997.
The World Animal and Book of Facts
The World Book Encyklopedia
The wrong man, Kris Anderson
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Under the Moon, Rowena Akinyemi
Under the Sign of Saturn / Susan Sontag.- New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.
Urbom Ruth Oxford American Wordpower Dictionary
Walkabout, James Vance Marshall
Washington Square, Henry James
We didn't Mean to go to Sea, Arthur Ransome
Westwood J.: How to Write the Marketing Plan, 2013
Who's Who in America
Wielki Słownik angielsko-polski, Philip Wilson
William Shakespeare, Jennifer Bassett